19. Katina P. II
Departed Balchik, Romania 18-Jan-1939, arrived 16-Feb-1939
ex-Ljubica Matkovic, ex-Ljubica, ex-Mirone, ex-Carlo Zeno, ex-Saint Dunstan, built 1892, 951 gross tons, steamer.
773 passengers
Organized by Revisionists
Picked up 850 passengers at Balchik, Romania (now Bulgaria), who had come down the Danube in sealed trains from Czechoslovakia, plus 100 Hungarians and 50 expelled from Romania. The engines broke down after she sailed and most her stores were ruined by sea water. On 6 Feb 1939 237 passengers were transferred to Artemisia (No. 20). The Katina went back to Greece when the Artemisia did not return. She was then sent to pick up the marooned survivors of the Chepo (No. 22) bringing her passenger list to 1,250. There was great dissension among the different groups on board. About 600 were landed at Netanya but British ships fired on her and she returned to Greece. The remainder were finally landed in April but many had to abandon their belongings.